Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pink is the Color of Life

Riva just thought you might like seeing this :)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Yin and Yang

Just because someone is near you does not mean that they really want to be there. You think that after something great, settling would be the easiest way to go. Encroaching on vulnerability to be the goal oriented person that you are typed to be. I just have to say, that only goes for the weak people. Unless I perceived some things to be another way, unless I am mistaken, you will forever be humming that tune - the one that you sang just a blink ago.

You may think your irony will captivate your audience, the one you want to hear you.. but life isn't about presenting a package. It's about giving what is real. Opening up with an end mind may bless you a shot at fleeting happiness. But really, is that what you want? If you think you deserve better, then never tear something apart for your sake. This is what you wished for, that is what you get. The irony goes back to you to haunt you. Now you're not the irony, your life is.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Okay so my teammates are telling me that it took them at least half a day to finish filling up their PDP's (Personal Development Plan, or in plain language - appraisal form). I'm just about to start mine, and I don't know where to begin or what to say. What's worse is that I have an hour and a half meeting in 10 mins! Hope babbling about it here helps.. :)