Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Two Questions

1. Are you going to be happy with that person the rest of your life?
2. What about the age? Will you be required to settle earlier because you are younger?

*On question #1: But didn't you think, for most part of the relationship, that you were going to be happy with that person for most of your life? You did say you wanted to be with that person for the rest of your life right? Do a few months of not feeling happy erase all the things that you both dreamed about? A lifetime gives you more room for change, and working out. A few months is not enough to change a person. Those who get past these "bad" stages end up feeling the happiest and most fulfilled. Otherwise you'll just be constantly searching for something perfect, which is impossible to find.

*On question # 2: Early or late doesn't matter, as long as you are spending this time with the person you really want to be with.

--- You may have an idea of what is perfect, because of things you had in the past. But intentional offenses are worse than offenses that were not meant to be made. Offenses that were done out of sheer inability to care is worse than offenses made because the person didn't know any better. Ask yourself where you will be really happy. With a person who can afford to hurt you because of your mistakes, or a person who would be there for you no matter what?

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